Tactio Health & Target Weight Shutdown Information

Both apps to end January 31, 2020

This notice contains important information. Please read this notice immediately; it contains time-sensitive information that may require you to take action.

We are reaching out to you because you are a registered user of Tactio Health and/or Target Weight. This notice is to ensure you are aware of an important development:

  • Tactio Health and Target Weight apps will be shut down on January 31, 2020.

  • Data you have in your account will be deleted effective January 31, 2020. If you wish to keep the data in your account, you need to take action now to transfer that data from your account.

Please take appropriate action to move your data or information you may have stored in your account. To help customers that wish to export their data, several options are available and described below.

If you are using an app (mobile, web, etc.) that is dependent on the Tactio Health or Target Weight apps, such applications may also stop working once the apps are shut down. Please reach out to the Application provider for information on their plans.

If you have questions regarding this communication, please do not hesitate to reach out to the support@tactiohealth.com

The Tactio Health Team



  • Why are Tactio Health and Target Weight shutting down?
    For ten years we have proudly supported more than 4 million users in 17 languages and 135 countries for free without ever selling data, running ads or asking for grants. With the apps not financially sustainable, we have moved on to new ways to bring digital connectivity for patients.

  • Is Tactio the company closing?
    We are not shutting down. Tactio is stronger than ever as a leading remote patient monitoring solutions provider for qualified healthcare professionals, selling directly in North America under the Tactio Care brand name, and distributed internationally by Partners.

  • What date will the Tactio Health app become unavailable?
    The Tactio Health app will become unavailable on January 31, 2020.

  • Will I be able to access or add new data to my Tactio Health account after January 31, 2020?
    No, when the Tactio Health app is shut down on January 31, 2020 your account will be closed. You will no longer be able to access the account or any data in it. If you want to keep the data that you currently have in your Tactio Health account, please take action now to either download your data or transfer that data to another record keeping service, or your data will be deleted on January 31, 2020.

  • Can I obtain a copy of or download my data before January 31, 2020?
    Yes. You can download your data by opening the app and choosing to export your data. Details on how to export data can be found under " How to Export your Data" at https://bit.ly/exportyourdata support web page. Once you have exported your data you have the option to take it to another record keeping service of your choice (for example, a Personal Health Record (PHR) service).

  • What happens to my data if I do not wish to download or transfer it or if I don't take any action before January 31, 2020?
    If you do not take any action then your data will be automatically deleted when the Tactio Health app is shut down on January 31, 2020.

  • I have set up devices like a blood pressure cuff to send data to my Tactio Health account. What happens to these connections?
    On January 31, 2020 Tactio Health will stop accepting any new data from all devices. Until then, you may continue to send data to your Tactio Health account using your devices (unless you have closed your account).

  • I use an Application on my phone that sends my data to Tactio Health. Will this Application still work after Tactio Health is gone?
    That will depend on what the Application does. There may be some limited functionality that the Application can still perform, or it may stop working completely as it will no longer be able to access the Tactio Health apps. For technical problems with a specific Application you should contact the Application provider.